Dell backup and recovery premium tool

Dell Backup and Recovery Premium

The Dell backup and Recovery will help protect your data from virus attacks, hardware and system failure. The application comes in two versions, that is Dell Backup Recovery Basic and Dell Backup and Recovery Premium. The basic version comes installed on modern versions of Dell computers which run Windows 8, 8.1 and windows 10.  The basic version has limited features. To get the premium version you have to upgrade, which will give you access to even more useful features that are not available in the basic version.

Dell Backup and Recovery Premium features

Here is a list of the features that are available in the premium version which are not found on the basic version.

  • System backups (Includes applications and settings)
  • Continuous data backups
  • Merging of Backups
  • Scheduled Backups
  • Archiving of old backups
  • Backup and Restore files based on file extensions

Basically the premium version is the one that you must get if you are going to use the dell backup application

Initially to get the dell backup and recovery premium activation code, you had to follow these steps. Check if  have a working internet connection then clicking upgrade on the application link. The application will open the page where you fill in your payment detail so you can purchase the application. Activation code and instructions on how to activate the Dell Backup tool’s premium features were provided through an email. Now as I was looking for the cost of the upgrade I learned the process has changed as I describe below.

How much does Dell Backup and Recovery premium cost?

By a google search for the cost of upgrading to the Premium version you will soon notice that a lot of people are looking for the same thing but strangely no satisfying answers can be found online. You would think for such a big company such information would be easily found.

I decided to find out from the Dell team how much it cost. After being referred by their help and support agents through their online departments I soon learn that the technical department is the one now which is in charge of the upgrades not the US sales department. I assume this is because of the technicalities involved with the security features in windows 10 that may interfere with full system backup and cause headaches to the non tech savvy users.  I have to admit I got a bit annoyed when I chatted with a couple of the dell support agents who seemed lost about what I was talking about.

Finally, I made two discoveries, first the price apparently differs by region. In the US a friend purchased the Dell backup and premium application for $ 40 but if you are in the Canada or Australia the price will be slightly different according to the Dell website.

Second when you attempt to purchase through the link from the installed application by clicking upgrade, you get a pop up and instead of the Dell Premium page it shows SoftThinks Backup and Recovery. So Dell is now endorsing the SoftThinks product.

SoftThink Backup and Recovery
SoftThinks Backup and Recovery

Why the complication in purchasing the premium version?

A couple of months ago Dell stopped offering its cloud based backup storage. Now they have also phased out its premium version of Backup and recovery and is being replaced by SoftThinks Backup and Recovery.

Now if you are using Dell Backup and Recovery and you worried, there is no reason to worry. Why do I say so?

  • The same company that was the creation of the premium version of Dell Backup and recovery is the one offering and endorsing the SoftThinks replacement.
  • SoftThinks Backup and Recovery has the same features that Dell Backup Premium had.
  • It is also compatible with backups that are created by Dell Backup Premium.

Here is the quote from the pop upgrade “SoftThinks Backup and Recovery has the same great features as Dell Backup and Recovery Premium with extended support options.”

So you may now be wondering what the cost of purchasing or Transitioning from Dell Backup to SoftThinks is. The cost for SoftThinks Backup is $ 39.95  for user in the United States.

It comes with 12 months  extended support and upgrade assurance, after the first year you will have to pay $ 8.99 as a yearly subscription.

From Dell Backup and Recovery Premium to SoftThink
Price of SoftThinks which is replacing Dell Backup and Recovery Premium

Is dell backup and recovery premium worth it?

Are you are wondering if it is really worth it. Maybe you uninstalled after reading a review, or you simple you couldn’t figure out how it works, you are the only one who can answer that question.

I like exploring and figuring out things for myself, but in today’s world of googling, most people would rather not go through their own research but take the word of some online blog.

I have found that instead of scouring the many dozens of opinionated online reviews about a product you get to understand it better if you use it. In that case you can say I don’t like this product because of lack of this function not because it had bad reviews. With the Dell backup you can try the free basic version which will give you a bit of a feel of how the tool works even though a lot of the features are in the premium version

Error Installing Dell Backup and Recovery

If you are failing to install the premium version of the backup application or activation key is not working, it might be because you changed your hardware. If you have changed your motherboard the application will not be able to detect your service tag and not work. So check if the service tag registers on the motherboard. You can see it in the main section of the Bios with all the details about the computer.

How to remove Dell Backup and Recovery Premium

Lastly, If you installed the application and you now want remove it

  • Go the control panel
  • Select either Dell backup and recovery or DBR
  • Uninstall

Note after uninstalling the application you won’t be able to access restore your files in case of data loss or if the operating system starts acting up.

Let me know what you think and what you use in the comments section below.


  1. I have been trying to get to get this to work for a week. I have emailed support and never received a ticket# or a reply. I’m giving up after many hours wasted. Can’t create recovery on a properly formatted external drive (but can on a SB flash), can’t image on a drive that differs from the recovery storage (and who would image on a flash drive?), and can’t backup data on the 4 terabyte external drive without setting disk quota (which I enabled on that drive yet is not recognized by Software Speaks). This is a Dell endorsed product advertised on my Dell desktop and I expected so much more. Instead I’m out the $$$ for the Premium plan I purchased.

  2. I totally agree, having paid for the Premium Version, I am left with a really bad taste and a feeling of being robbed. THe interface is appalling and the error messages meaningless. There is also no apparent means to simply contact the Authors to raise a ticket for help. I have a 4TB brand new WD USB external Drive, that it does not recognise and every time I start the Software it creates an Image, which fails because of a lack of space (I think). This is really tedious and the error message is meaningless.

    Even when I backup files, it then finds the WD external drive, but after hours, it tells me there has been an ERROR and backup has failed, but no reasons are given in the dialogue box.

  3. Avoid Softhink and this program at all cost do not be tricked into believing it represents the Dell Brand they are fraudsters. The annual fee is not written into any documentation except one line at the bottom of an email and if you cancel it they won’t refund your money. It is a hoax. Further, the software itself is a disaster waiting to happen. Do not hit fix when your Dell Crashes or be prepared for your computer to be damaged. I made the mistake and hours later and IT costs to recover every icon that the program deleted. Imagine trying to use a computer with absolutely no icon’s can’t tell if a file is a document, image anything. This software is horrible avoid it at all costs!

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