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How to find Dell service tag on any device.

Dell service tag online

Dell service tag online

For technical support or service on your computer you will need your service tag. Dell uses the service tag t check for device info such as specification and warranty status.

Finding the service tag is not  hard. The dell service tags are all unique so you will need to give the technical folks the correct one. This is important because the service tag identifies your computer and the hardware your computer shipped with.

When ever your computer has problems, you need to have the service tag as customer service will request for it.

What is the Dell service tag?

The dell service tag is a 7 digit character code usual a combination of letters and digits that is specific to your device. It is usually located at the bottom of laptops and back of desktop computers next to the windows product key on most computers. For example service tag SMPL783 below. Also note if your computer shows the express service code that will work to as it can be converted to a service tag and the other way round

Dell Optilex computer with service tag sticker

Is the service tag same as serial number?

The dell service tag is different from the serial number but they both perform the same function. As shown in the image above the service tag is as mixture of characters and numbers whilst the serial code or service code is just a sting of numbers. You can use the convert one to the other hence having either one will work .

Where to find the service tag

The location of the dell service tag sticker varies with devices. Its not always as visible as in the Dell optiplex sticker picture above. For example in some alienware desktops you have to pull the section that covers the front usb port and audio jacks.

Here are the couple of places to check for for the sticker with the service code.

  1. On the bottom of laptops e.g on Dell inspiron its on the edge of the battery line.
  2. At the back of desktops usually near the VGA port, sometimes found next to the windows product key, so if you see the windows logo check there.
  3.  On some servers there a rubber sticker that you can pull at the back.

Basically look for a sticker like the one in the image of the optilex above.

How to find service tag if sticker is missing?

Sometimes the sticker is not always there.

Maybe the sticker rubbed or peeled off, not reason to worry.

The one on my XPS 13 already had vanished in less than 3 months. I do not know why they make the stickers easily removable. Just slight friction and it gets removed. Don’t worry though there are still plenty of ways to get the service tag without the sticker.

Find Service tag from BIOS.

First I will show you how to get the service tag from the BIOS menu

  1. Switch off the computer.
  2. Press the power button to turn the computer.
  3. On the Dell logo splash screen quickly press F2.
  4. On the Bios menu look for serivce tag, a 7 character code or combination of numbers and letters under system information.

Your BIOS menu will be different depending on the laptop or desktop you are using but you should be able to locate it on the Main or General category of the BIOS section.

Dell Inspiron laptop showing BIOS menu and service tag

Finding a dell service tag from the command line

Window showing how to get dell service tag from command line

If you are familiar with the windows command line you can also use it to find the service tag. You can use the command prompt or powershell. In windows press the windows start button, search for “run” right click and select run as administrator, alternative shortcut would be to press SHIFT+windows key + R key. Now type cmd press enter.

Enter the following command without quotes ” wmic bios get serialnumber”

This command uses the Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) to show you the data that you are looking from. The service tag number is the one under serialnumber.

You can even do this remotely but you need to have the administrator password. To access the service tag remotely this the command “wmic /user:administrator /node:remote-host bios get serialnumber” replace the remote-host in bold with the IP address or workstation name.

You can even get more info with the following command “wmic bios” this will get you bios, operating system information and other geeky information about the computer including the tag.


If you are using the Linux operating system you can also get the Dell service tag from the terminal. The command on linux is as follows:

Local Dell Computer or server

# dmidecode | grep -i serial
# dmidecode -t 1

Remote Dell computer or server

You will need to use secure shell. Depending on what you have the I.P Address or domain type either of the commands belows

$ ssh OR $ ssh root@ to use the IP address

or just do $ ssh dmidecode -s system-serial-number

$ ssh root@ dmidecode -s system-serial-number

Service tag using Powershell

You can also use powershell to find the service atg though its almost the same as the method above of using command prompt. For powershell use the Get-wmiObject command below

“Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure | select serialnumber”

How to find the Service Tag on a Dell Wyse product?

Dell system detect software

Dell created software that can detect the system that you are using this comes in handy when you are looking for the Dell service tag.

  1. Enter click this link
  2. Click detect system next to submit .
  3. Check the terms and conditions box and click continue.
  4. Downloading of software install should begin.
  5. Run the software and let it download the rest of the package about 2.5mb.
  6. The results will show on the website after its done detecting.

The methods above may also work on your powerdge 840 server or any server depending on the system and configuration.

Let us know in the comments sessions of what we missed.

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